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Peace Building Network of Zimbabwe (PBNZ)


The Peace Building Network of Zimbabwe is a network of organisations that have come together to coordinate peace-building initiatives in Zimbabwe. We aim to contribute to the building of sustainable peace and development. CCMT is the secretariat for PBNZ.




The Peace Building Network of Zimbabwe was formed in August 2007 to create a space where organisations working in the conflict management and peace building field can share ideas and expertise. It was envisioned that from the knowledge acquired within this space, member organisations would be able to implement their activities in a coordinated way, which would benefit the communities within which they work. The Network provides a platform for CSOs to formulate joint responses to the needs of the communities and implement these in a coordinated way.



The Peace Building Network of Zimbabwe envisions the realisation of a conscientised society in which coordinated peace building activities contribute towards the building of sustainable peace and development in Zimbabwe.




The Peace Building Network of Zimbabwe monitors and assesses situational trends in Zimbabwe in order to develop strategic peace building frameworks for effective coordination of appropriate interventions at the local, regional and international levels.



  • To coordinate a network of committed peace-building organisations where organisational strengths are magnified.

  • To operate a well rooted network with the capacity to effectively implement peace-building initiatives in Zimbabwe.

  • To understand situational trends in Zimbabwe in order to initiate healing and rebuilding at community and national levels.

  • To develop formal and informal links with other networks and organisations.

Key work areas:


  • Capacity building of CSOs and communities in conflict management and transformation;

  • Research on contemporary peace building work;

  • Convening multi-stakeholder dialogues at national level.




  • African Community Publishing and Development Trust (ACPDT)

  • Centre for Community Development in Zimbabwe (CCDZ) 

  • Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP)

  • Centre for Conflict Management and Transformation (CCMT)

  • Chikukwa Ecological Land Use Community Trust (CELUCT)

  • Centre for Peace Initiatives in Africa (CPIA) 

  • Counselling Services Unit (CSU) 

  • Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe (EFZ)

  • Ecumenical Peace Building and Reconciliation Trust (EPART)

  • Grace to Heal Ministries

  • Heal Zimbabwe Trust

  • Musasa

  • Peace Building and Capacity Development Foundation (PACDEF)

  • Silveira House

  • Tree of Life (TOL)

  • Zimbabwe Civic Education Trust (ZIMCET)

  • Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights)

  • Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP)

  • Zimbabwe Women Lawyers Association (ZWLA)

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